Saturday, January 2, 2010

Mt Emily Road in the Selegie area

Once in a few months I come round this area with a friend. We enjoy our coffee at a corner coffee shop next to this row of houses where you can also find the famous curry puff stall. There is also Hainanese Chicken rice if you plan to have lunch there as well.

An old ornate chair that should have been better taken care of because it belongs to an age where craftsmanship ruled. A Sikh temple down the road from the corner coffee shop. An old classmate of mine used to live in one of the apartments here and she invited a few of us for lunch once. Before that, she had lived in a huge wooden bungalow just further up the hill from this building and the whole class was invited to her birthday party. We have lost touch with each other after we left school and I believe that old house no longer stands though I have not ventured beyond this point in recent years to verify if that is true.

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