Saturday, November 22, 2008

Bollywood Veggies - A farm in Singapore

We are urban and yet we have farms. Bollywood Veggies is a refreshing change for a day's outing with family or friends from what Singaporeans usually do on weekends - eating, shopping, going across the causeway to Johore Bahru, sleeping, going to the cinemas amongst other activities. There is so much to see on this farm - flowers, fruits, crops, herbs in so many varieties. It was indeed a delightful way to enjoy nature.


alicesg said...

Very interesting place. We dont get to see this type of farm in Singapore very often. Would like to visit one of these days.

Mableinsingapore said...

Yes, do go on a weekday as weekends are crowded and you must try the home-made kuehs at the cafe.