Thursday, October 30, 2008

Green is good for the eyes

Green is the colour of the gardens that soothe the eyes and nourishes the soul.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Admiralty Park

Admiralty Park was written about in the Sunday Times today. And so we had our usual mee siam breakfast and drove a long way to find this park that brought us close to nature.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bukit Timah Hill in the failing light of day

Nature's lamp post - fruits of the Fish Tail Palm.
A kind of ginger plant. A diseased leaf.
A familiar tree now a lot older.
Young leaves catching the weakening sun's rays.
Coming down is tougher than going up.
A precious tree - Ghaharu
Bottom of the hill.
Shiny and new.
Tomorrow I will look better.
Almost a fruit but fell off the tree before my time.

The huge trunk of the Brazilian Nut tree supported the growth of a huge fungi.

This was a granite quarry until the late 1980s.
A little bird was hiding in the shrubbery.
The children have gone home for dinner.
The birds must have had many good meals here.
A woodpecker looking for food.